EMF protection is necessary now more than ever.

Do you know about the dangers of electromagnetic fields?

EMFs can cause a lot of damage to your body, and it’s important to take steps to help protect yourself from them.

In this blog post and related posts, we will discuss the dangers of EMFs and how you can help protect yourself from them. We will also provide information for finding EMF protection products that work best for you!

EMF protection Pendants
EMF protection Pendants

EMFs are electromagnetic fields that are emitted by electronic devices. They are invisible to the naked eye, but they can have a negative impact on your health. EMFs can cause a variety of health problems, including fatigue, headaches, anxiety, and depression. They can also disrupt your sleep and increase your risk of cancer.

There are a few ways to protect yourself from EMFs. One way is to use EMF protection products. These products can help to shield you from the harmful effects of EMFs. Another way to help protect yourself is to limit your exposure to EMFs by avoiding electronic devices when possible and keeping them at a distance when you do use them.



Go Here Now To Save Time and See How You Can Help Protect Yourself From EMF!



The Top 10 sources of EMF

Here is a list of the top 10 sources of EMF.

  • 1. X-rays – A large amount of electromagnetic radiation from an ionizer (X-Rays) is very dangerous because it can cause DNA and cell damage. However, in medical sciences, their penetrating character makes them useful for diagnostic purposes instead.
  • 2. Cellular Towers – Cell phone towers are placed in our towns and cities to generate waves that go towards the horizon, downward direction as well. The height of these cellular base stations ranges from nearly 50 feet all way up past 200 ft., with some even higher than this number! They produce electromagnetic radiation which can heat body tissues after continuous exposure but there’s no proof it causes health hazards because scientists have carefully worked on researching these issues – thank goodness for safety standards set by federal agencies such FCC.
  • 3. Microwave Ovens – Microwave ovens emit the same EMF fields as cell phones, routers, and laptop computers. They are convenience devices that come in many shapes with different features to meet your needs – from small countertop models all way up to large ones. The radiation level isn’t high enough for concern though because it’s within safety limits set by law; plus there’re other protections built-in too (like steel walls).
  • 4. Mobile Phones – Mobile phones are a recent innovation that has been around for less than 50 years. We all use them in some way, but nowadays the problem with mobile phone radiation exposure comes from nearly every person carrying one on their body at any given time – especially near head-level where there’s more potential harm done because those areas contain tissues least able to tolerate outside interference and can become damaged by having unnatural levels sustained over long periods.

In addition

Power Station Emissions being protected by emf protection
  • 5. Television & Computer Screen – LCDs and LEDs emit a very small amount of radiation, but because children can come close without being harmed it’s still important to keep them away from the screen. Children should also never look directly at a glowing object like an LCD or LED screen for long periods since this could cause eye damage over time if they’re exposed constantly- instead watch from afar as much as possible so your kids don’t develop any negative lifelong habits early on!
  • 6. Wi-Fi Routers/Devices – Wi-Fi is a convenient way to send data, but it can also have negative effects. Prolonged exposure may cause you some problems with your health and body functions that cannot be seen immediately – these changes happen over time so prevention will help keep us healthier in the long run!
  • 7. Power Lines – Power lines carry a high voltage that can create radiation fields. The farther away you are from power line sources, the lower exposure will be, and living near them increases your chances of being diagnosed with pediatric leukemia in later life because of this dangerous element they possess.
  • 8. Energy Saving & Smart Bulbs – We used to have incandescent lights in our houses but now there’s a new smart bulb with an attached chip that allows you to control the light from your phone over the internet. You might also see Amazon ALEXA devices for regulating lighting; these Wi-Fi convenient devices emit higher EMF radiation emissions than traditional bulbs and should be avoided if possible!


  • 9. Smart Meters – The smart meters that communicate with your home devices using radio frequency signals emit non-ionizing radiation and follow set standards for communication device technology. There’s no such health risk or danger from the exposure because you’re only exposed when standing next to one of these units for an extended period so just be conscious of your surroundings.
  • 10. Hair Dryer – Here is a shocker. The number of new hairstyling tools has increased exponentially, but with this comes a tradeoff. Hairdryers emit electromagnetic fields (EMF) which can be harmful to your health if they’re not used correctly or for large amounts of time; the same goes for any appliance that uses electricity!




There are many benefits to wearing this health protection pendant.

Firstly, it helps protect the body from harmful Electromagnetic Frequencies. This is important, as these frequencies can be damaging to the body and can cause a variety of health problems.

Secondly, this pendant also helps protect against radiation. Radiation exposure is a growing concern, and this pendant can help shield the body from its harmful effects.

Lastly, this pendant is made with bio-hacking technology, which means that it is specifically designed to assist in protecting the body from EMF radiation. It is a high-quality product that is made with the latest technology. It can provide you with peace of mind knowing that you have an aid to protect you from these harmful frequencies.



With all the information given above, you can see how and why new inventions, gadgets, and devices can be both convenient and detrimental at the same time.

We need to know about them and be responsible when using them. Just because we don’t see the enemy (the harmful frequencies), doesn’t mean that they aren’t there.


However, there are a few people who are so concerned about the health and welfare of all humans that they have worked hard to overcome the adversities of some modern advances.

Solutions to the Solution


This Pendant is the result of that effort. You now have a device to assist in protecting yourself and your family, from your 5-year-old child and up, in addition, to your pets.

So now is the time to stop reading and take action. Hurry now and get your Pendant or Pendants today.

The cost can vary depending on the particular pendant but the value is priceless! Furthermore, the performance of this magnificent pendant is estimated to last at least 10 years. Therefore, it’s like paying less the $.10 a day. Considering the benefits that will be derived for you and your family, it is a fantastic offer.


Protect Yourself From Cell Phone and Computer Emissions With These Simple EMF Protection Suggestions.

We all know that we should be protecting ourselves from the harmful emissions that come from our cell phones and computers, but sometimes it can be hard to know how to do that.

Here are some simple tips that will help you stay safe with different EMF protection suggestions:

1. Use a hands-free device when using your cell phone. This will help to keep the phone away from your head, and therefore reduce your exposure to emissions.

2. Limit your time on the phone. If you can, try to have shorter conversations, or send text messages instead.

3. Avoid using your computer in a small, enclosed space. The emissions from the computer can build up in a small space and be more harmful than if you were in a larger room.

4. Take breaks often when using the computer. Get up and walk around every 20 minutes or so to give your body a break from the emissions.

5. Finally, To learn how to protect yourself and your family from phone and computer emissions, go here!



If you really want to impress your family and friends while helping to protect your personal health, take a look at this video. Here you will see the latest, amazing, tuün™️ Resonate Limited Edition.


Go here now if you would like to earn money helping others obtain this fantastic pendant


References from:

[1] Joseph Johnson, September 10, 2021, https://www.statista.com/statistics/617136/digital-population-worldwide/

[2] National Cancer Institute, January 3, 2019, https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/risk/radiation/electromagnetic-fields-fact-sheet

[3] U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 2009, https://www.fda.gov/radiation-emitting-products/cell-phones/reducing-radio-frequency-exposure-cell-phones

[4] U.S. Food & Drug Administration, October 02, 2020

[5] American Cancer Society, June 1, 2020
