Purification System | The Water Machine

purification system

The best water purification system in the home is here! From Oregon to South Africa people are looking for a water system that will protect them against deadly viruses. You now have it with this one-of-a-kind gravity and glass water purification system.

Say goodbye to tap water’s chlorine, fluoride, and all the other harmful chemicals that leach into plastic bottled water. Now you can have purified water for less than two cents a gallon in the comfort of your own home.

It is truly awesome! You need to read more about it here!!



What are waterborne diseases? 

Florida, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Georgia Washington State, Ohio, Arizona, and California have some of the worst tap water in the United States.

One cannot escape the dangers of waterborne diseases, as they are everywhere. The most common type is typhoid fever which causes vomiting and diarrhea. It can be fatal if left untreated for a long time. Also fatal to children under five years old who have not had their first vaccination yet.

You don’t need to worry about your safety when it comes to drinking water because there are ways you can protect yourself. For example, boiling tap water before consuming, filtering with charcoal filters (these work best), or using UV lights around sinks and faucets. All these methods will ensure a safe-to-drink liquid!

However, how do you know that you are boiling the water long enough? Many people believe that boiling the water kills all of the pathogens. This is not always true because some can survive in extreme conditions and others are too small to be killed off with heat alone.


What Kind of Filters to Buy?

purification system

In addition, how do you know that you have purchased the correct type of filters? I know that for years I have changed from one type of water purifier system to another. I have had big standing containers in my home where I got 3-gallon bottles of water a month. Then I was in an apartment and I had to have something smaller. I, therefore, purchased a filter that I could attach to my faucet in the kitchen. As life would have it, the “complex” where I lived had a “remodeling” done and they replaced my whole sink. The new facet they put in, however, wasn’t adaptable to having filters attached. So I had to buy bottles of water in plastic containers every 2 or 3 days. This has been a big hassle and expensive.


Reverse Osmosis vs Distillation

You might have heard about RO or reverse osmosis and distillation to purify your water supply. However, there are pros and cons for both.

Firstly, Reverse Osmosis is a less effective option for removing certain chemicals. Chemicals, such as pesticides and herbicides are used in farming. They can seep through the soil and into wells to contaminate drinking water supplies. Reverse osmosis systems have little trouble with volatile organic contaminants. For example, oxygen, carbon dioxide dissolved gasses, or other substances that exhibit low molecular weight. This system struggles greatly when faced with complex molecules of high molecular weights containing multiple chemical bonds.

Reverse Osmosis has its limits. It struggles most against those pollutants that contain largely composed of multi-molecular bonded complex structures.


Secondly, Distillation is a scientific technique that has been around for hundreds of years. It can extract pretty much anything from water, but it does have some limitations. For example, mercury vaporizes really easily and falls back into the distilled product when there isn’t enough pressure to keep it out (think about how boiling water evaporates). You are, therefore, left with pure Hg in your drink instead of just clean H2O!

Therefore, I took notice when The Water Machine was introduced to me. 🤓


In Conclusion of the Purification System


There are a couple of other gravity filter water purification systems which are made of stainless steel or plastic. However, The Water Machine purification system is made of clear, hammered glass. Because of this, you can see the water being purified right in front of your eyes. 

The Water Machine’s filters last longer and cost less than other brands. Black carbon filters can filter 6000 gallons of water before needing to be replaced. In addition, it only needs annual cleaning for optimum efficiency. Plus, this water will be more alkaline which is better for your health!

The Water Machine is designed with a lifespan of up to 11 years if you use on average 1.5 gallons per day. This means that your long-term investment in clean drinking water will pay off soon enough!


Also, refer 1 person and get a FREE FILTER. Keep doing that and you can have FREE FILTERS FOR LIFE!



purification system

This special assembly is the most advanced water purification system on the market. It provides 99% bacteria-free and chemical-free drinking water that tastes great! The filters can remove pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals, viruses such as HIV or Hepatitis C from your tap water, and over 200+ other elements.

This amazing water purifying system is the first all-glass gravity machine in existence. What this means is that you can watch as your water is being filtered and won’t have to worry about any unwanted liquids. In addition, its filters last far longer than those of near competitors at a fraction of the cost – meaning that if there’s one thing, I could drink for life it would be the water from The Water Machine.

Finally, The Water Machine is different than any others in its design. It is different in its price and different in its efficiency. Not only is The Water Machine a unique-looking water filtration device, but it is also less expensive than the competition. Furthermore, The Water Machine can filter out 99% of bacteria, making the system an eco-friendly, visually pleasing alternative in the world of water filtration devices.


This Purification System for Clean Water is the Necessity for Life!

Clean water is a necessity for life. Yet 800 million people lack access to clean drinking water (according to Lifewater.org). As a result, they are forced to live in harsh conditions. They struggle just to get the most essential substance on earth.

Clean water is an integral part of survival. However, we find ourselves with dwindling supplies of fresh drinking sources while 805 million go without entirely!

Millions of people in the United States and around the world are struggling to get fresh, clean water for themselves and their families. That is why a portion of all sales goes towards non-profit organizations that help others get clean water. For example, Water.org and charitywater.org. With every purchase you make, your contribution will be helping more people than you may know!



Go here now to get The Water Machine, Water Purification System today and learn how you can get FREE filters while at the same time helping to save lives.
