How To Lose Weight

How to lose weight has been on my mind for all my life. I am Italian and my mother as with all Italian mothers showed her love in one way with food. Well let me tell you, she really loved me and my sister.

I never had to worry about eating. She served it up in spades. It was so delicious and so filling.

We were taught not to leave anything on our plates.


How To Lose Weight

My father had a saying when us children didn’t want to eat. He would say in a rhythmic tone, start eating…start eating…start eating in a hurry. We knew that look and sound meant that if we didn’t eat, we were in trouble. My father was a big man so consequently, we always ate everything on our plate.

As we got older, or at least me, I noticed that I was putting on more and more weight … (lots of loving :-)). Every 10 years or so I would have gained more meat around my bones until it started affecting me. I started getting high blood pressure at age 30 followed by gout, then one year I developed a torn ligament in my left knee and low and behold the next year I got torn ligaments in my right knee.

Every 10 year birthdays, I developed something different which has been attributed to my bigger than normal size body frame. By the time I reached my fiftieth birthday, I had developed Diabetes.

Of course, all this time I have been trying to learn How To Lose Weight. I have done lots of research thanks to the modern invention of the computer. What a Life Saver, literally otherwise I would have never found the items that have helped me FINALLY lose weight after struggling for SO LONG.

Finally, Something That Works

I am delighted to have the opportunity to present the products within this section of my Blog that has been Research, Tested and Proven to work.

If you also are struggling with excess weight for whatever reason be it coming from a loving family, stress or a chemical imbalance doesn’t matter. Consider that today is your lucky day. You have found something that will make a difference in your life if you take advantage of it.

Think of this as your MINE over MATTER literally, pun intended.

I will be presenting products here now and over time on How To Lose Weight. Keep coming back to update yourself on these and tell all the people you know and love and are concerned about their health about this site.

You’re welcome to send me Testimonials also with pictures (if you want) to let others know of your achievements by registering on the right.

Alternative Health

Coffee for Weight-Loss! We have discovered the most awesome finding for reducing body weight. This is NEW Technology that is Amino Acidity centered. It performs to control hunger and melt your fat. This is going to improve your life! Look and feel better starting now.

Helps Shut Off Cravings In The Brain From Your Stomach. Get some today:

Additional Weight Loss Products

MMM Hot Chocolate

For all my many followers who want to lose weight but don’t particularly like drinking coffee, we have the solution. This Non-Dairy Weight Loss Creamer has been developed just for you. It is delicious. However, with this hot chocolate, you can pursue your diet efforts without any guilt. C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E

You will be able to see the many other products that will be beneficial to you from these pages.

To Your Good Health!